Administration – Whakahaere Tari

“If we look after our kaimahi, they are going to provide the best care to our whānau. Start with the workforce and it will flow into the mahi.”

– Leiana Rona, Human Resources Assistant, Tui Ora


About this career

If you like working with, helping and supporting people, efficiency, organising and sorting out problems, a career in Administration might be for you!

Administrators are very important to the efficiency of organisations. They organise meetings, agendas and take minutes. They manage offices, information and documents, looking after important operational details such as invoicing, orders, travel and venue bookings. Administrators often support key roles and get involved at all levels of an organisation. There is a huge variety of roles where administration is needed and a demand.


Personal qualities you need

According to Careers New Zealand, Administration officers need to be:
• Well organised, and able to multitask and prioritise
• good communicators and skilled writers
• able to work well in a team environment
• able to solve problems and show initiative
• friendly and approachable
• discreet and diplomatic when dealing with confidential issues


Career Pathway

According to Careers New Zealand most administrators learn their skills on the job.
There are no specific requirements to become an administration officer. However, good numeracy, word processing skills (if required), good critical thinking. A business administration qualification, such as a certificate or diploma, may be useful or required depending on employer expectations.

There are also many training and study pathways into administration.

Follow the link below to find out more about administration as a career:


Our Whānau Career Story

Leiana Rona, Human Resources Assistant, Tui Ora

Where do I work and what do I do?

I work at Tui Ora as a Human Resources Assistant.

What was my career pathway to get where I am / and what led me to this?

I started on an administration cadetship through Why Ora. Why Ora supported me to help me find a job and something that suit me and my skills. Also supported with my transition into Tui Ora by constantly checking in during my first few weeks/months. This helped me ease into a new environment.

Like me, be prepared for your career/study choices to change along the way, because what you want to do now may be different when you actually get some experience. It’s okay to not know what you want to do. Finding experience in anything helps. Whether that be studies, volunteering, or working. You will find things you like to and things you don’t like and 9 times out of 10 there will be a career path for what you are loving to do.

“My why” for doing this job and making a difference for Māori

Starting with the workforce, helping change things internally so that kaimahi are fit and well to provide the best level of care they can to our whānau. Although I am still finding my Māori identity it makes me feel connected to all and wanting to shift the scale for all Māori and benefiting whanau and kaimahi.