Education is our future – Demetriou Twin Sisters

"My aspiration is to apply the mātauranga I have gained throughout my Tohu to support our tamariki Māori - ko te tamaiti te pūtake."

Jocasta & Moniqua Demetriou

Ko Mataatua te waka 
Ko Putauaki te maunga 
Ko Rangitaiki te awa
Ko Ngaati Awa te iwi
Ko Te Pahipoto te hapū 

Ko Kokohinau me Taewhakaea ōku marae 
Ko Ruataupare te whare tupuna 
Ko Iratumoana te tangata No Te Teko ahau, engari i tipu ake ahau i Taranaki Kei Kirikiriroa au e noho ana inaaianei.
Ko Demetriou toku ingoa whānau 

Twin sisters Moniqua and Jocasta have recently graduated and gained employment as Kaiako in schools. The sisters connected with Why Ora while at New Plymouth Girls High School, attending our Rapuara Hauora workshops, engaging with our kaiārahi and participating in a university visit with our team. After completing school, they took a gap year, something they recommend, then enrolled in a full immersion course in Te Reo Māori, completing their Te Tohu Paetahi diplomas at the University of Waikato. 

They were both so inspired, both decided to become educators, and enrolled for a Bachelor of Teaching at Waikato. Completing the degree in 2024, the sisters will formally graduate in April and have already secured employment as Kaiako. Below both sisters share their current aspirations, and Jocasta shares her experience of being at university, and advice for taiohi embarking on tertiary studies.

As a newly qualified early childhood teacher, my aspiration is to apply the mātauranga I have gained throughout my Tohu to support our tamariki Māori – ko te tamaiti te pūtake. While in the future I hope to pursue further education, such as a master’s degree, for now, I am cherishing my time with the tamariki, their whānau, and the hāpori.” Moniqua.  

Photo: (L-R) Moniqua and Jocasta

“I aspire to support tamariki Māori within my kura, ensuring they have the opportunities and guidance to thrive. I teach in a Reo Rua classroom within a mainstream school and am committed to being both a voice and an advocate for these tamariki. I’m thoroughly enjoying my time in the classroom and am excited to see where this journey takes me. I loved my degree and my life at university. After the Halls I flatted with my best friends and got amongst the university life. I worked two jobs while studying and I knew all the hard work would all pay off in the future. It was stressful at times, but I had the right motivation and passion to keep going to get my tohu – which is exactly what I did!” Jocasta