Just as the above whakataukī reminds us, our connections with people are so important in life.
Connections give us strength, support, and help us to feel grounded. We all need connections that can help us to grow, to know who we are, where we’ve come from and help us get where we are going!
One worthwhile connection can lead to many others. Growing our networks and positive relationships can lead to opportunities.
Our connections can help us to see new horizons, and to imagine ourselves doing new things we might not even have thought possible before.
Especially if we are hoping to get into a rewarding career or job that we love! They can also help to strengthen our sense of identity and belonging.
Tūhononga means strengthening and bringing together (Tū is to strengthen, hononga is to bring or join together).
We weave together our connections for the greater vision of flourishing whānau. Our connections are many. We have a broad range of networks and relationships throughout Taranaki and nationally.
We can help connect you to future study, career and employment pathways, in whichever field you are interested.
Our Kaiārahi Rory Maxwell knows the value of these activities. Rory participated in Rapuara Hauora and Mātaki Shadowing at secondary school. He made connections there that led to him studying and graduating with a psychology degree in 2021.
Find out how we can help you. We would love to kōrero with you. Get in touch.